Many of you know that I am NOT a morning person, but once in awhile I do wake up early (early is defined as any time before I drag out of bed!). This morning was one of those rare occasions, and my eyes suddenly popped open at 6 a.m. What a mystery – what do you DO at this benighted hour? 😀 Well, the only thing that seemed right to do. I prayed – and then went to wake up Ray to take me to breakfast!
Our breakfast date was great. We drove to a little mom-and-pop-owned restaurant on the town square. The petite, gray-haired, sweet waitress poured the coffee (even later, she poured it a 3rd time when Ray didn’t want any more), and we made our orders. Ray got the “breakfast pie” (eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns mixed together with hot, white gravy poured over it). Mine was a cheese omelette and hash browns with ketchup. Oh, it was delicious! We were also blessedly alone in the restaurant. Ray was still bleary-eyed from sleep as I happily chatted away.
Afterward, we went for a relaxing drive down country roads in the morning sun. No radio, no cell phones, just peaceful quiet, looking at green fields with horses and cows, dairy farms, blue and yellow wildflowers. It all sounds so simple, but I had so much fun! (Hopefully Ray did, too!)
Come to think of it, God probably enjoyed the quiet time of solitude that I had with Him this morning, too. 🙂 When was the last time you had a “breakfast date” with Jesus?
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