Our 23rd Wedding Anniversary
is Today
“And the two shall become one flesh.’
So they are no longer two but one flesh.”
–Mark 10:8, ESV
To celebrate with me…
An anniversary sale!
Today is Ray’s and my 23rd wedding anniversary. It’s been a long, painful journey, but by God’s grace we’re still here together! We’re celebrating later this week.
I wanted to share a few tips from those 23 years of marriage, often learned the HARD way!
Make Jesus Christ Lord and Center of your marriage; it’s not about you or your spouse, but about God and His kingdom, for Jesus’ glory; (Colossians 3:17; Ephesians 5:22-23);
Forgive daily; you’ll get to practice this again and again! (Ephesians 4:32);
When you start to argue, have a “strife break”; stop right then and pray together, or come back later and talk when you or your spouse have cooled down. Strife and envy open the door to every evil thing (James 3:16). You don’t want to invite Satan in for coffee;
Learn each other’s love language and practice it daily to show your spouse you really love him or her. Read about the 5 love languages in Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, available at Amazon;
Pray for and with each other regularly; it’s hard to stay mad at someone you’re praying for! (James 5:16);
Pray and talk about everything together. this cultivates unity and intimacy. (Matthew 18:19);
Let it go; this applies to forgiveness, but is also about letting the little things go that cause irritation, strife, bickering, or that simply don’t matter in the long run. Catch the little foxes so they don’t ruin the vineyard (Song of Solomon 2:15);
Make fun, sweet memories with your husband or wife and your kids/grandkids; life is way too short. I’m hearing about lots of early death this year in 2016. Tomorrow isn’t promised. Don’t live with regret, but love those around you and make good, happy memories today. These don’t have to be expensive. “So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.”–Ecclesiastes 8:15, NLT.
Fulfill your purpose and minister together. I believe every husband and every wife has both an individual purpose and calling, and one together. This is one of the biggest reasons Ray and I have never divorced. Despite the many struggles, God has a calling on our lives together. Too much is at stake to just give up and let the devil (and others!) have his way! Discover what God has called you and your spouse to do, and obey, for Jesus’ glory. (Ecclesiastes 4:12; Jeremiah 29:11)
Keep going and don’t quit! Ray and I have both felt like leaving and divorcing so many times. But by God’s grace, we’re still here, together. We know it’s not about us, but about God and His Kingdom, and it’s for the sake of our children and grandchildren who are watching us. “Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.”–Mark 10:9
What are some of the struggles you have faced in your marriage? Email me and I’ll be glad to pray for you! And please keep praying for Ray, me, and our family!
To celebrate our 23rd anniversary, I’m having a wedding anniversary sale! Just click on the links below to find out more or buy now:
My new book, Stained Glass & Marriage: Reflections of Light & Hope by an Imperfect Wife, just 99 cents: Stained Glass & Marriage
My encouraging little book with the beautiful flower cover, 3 P’s in a Pod: Prayer, Purpose, and Passion, just 99 cents: 3 P’s in a Pod
My currently only fiction book, Storm Tossed, just 99 cents: Storm Tossed
My signature talk topic book, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes, FREE as a gift to you, just for today! The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes
I pray these books bless and encourage you. Be sure to share about them with your family, friends and business peers!
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