Are you on track for 2014? It’s almost the end of February, and I decided to make a list of things I’ve done so far this year to “encourage myself in the Lord” as David did. (1 Samuel 30:6). When you see that you’ve accomplished something, be sure to REWARD yourself!
The reward can be anything you love: a manicure or pedicure, a new outfit, cute new shoes, a hot soak in bubbles, fresh flowers, a massage, Mexican lunch with a girlfriend, a chic flic, a walk or hike outdoors, new office supplies, a date night with hubby or your kids, etc.
Here’s my list for 2014 so far:
- Spending more quiet time with God each day (I strive for first thing each morning);
- Working on my marriage through Ray and I praying for each other with prayers from Stormie O’Martian’s books, The Power of a Praying Husband and The Power of a Praying Wife; meeting with our small group leader Dave once a week for counsel, accountability and prayer; and trying to stay quiet (that’s so hard!)
- Exercising some with stretching and lifting arm weights (please pray for me to exercise DAILY!). So far I’ve lost 12 pounds since January 6. Now if I can just NOT gain it back and keep losing more to reach my goal weight;
- Adding essential oils to my regimen;
- Reading good new books, like Becoming the Woman I Want to Be, which is part of Donna Partow’s 90-Day Renewal program that I joined at the beginning of this year;
- Joined Dana Arcuri’s Writing Purposefully Group Coaching group ~ Dana is doing an AMAZING job leading this group! I love it and look forward to the calls each week. Do you have her powerful book yet, Harvest of Hope: Living Victoriously Through Adversity?
- Organized tax info for our CPA (appointment this Saturday);
- Fasted a few days (this is amazing for me because I LOVE to eat, and it was only done by God’s grace!);
- Working on memorizing a Scripture, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24;
- Writing my new book, Promises In The Dark. If you aren’t on my personal mailing list, sign up at the top of the page on the right hand side and you’ll be first to hear about its release;
- Had 2 new webinars, including one about my speaking engagement in Kenya, Africa;
- Meeting once a month for The Master’s Mind mastermind group with Tony Robinson and Shelley Valasek;
- Weekly prayer/accountability calls with Doreen Penner;
- Coaching 2 new clients;
- Teaching our youngest daughter Leah life skills such as applying for jobs, job interviewing, baking, and more driving skills.
Now what should be my reward? 🙂
Make your list. Praise God for all these things, for He deserves the glory. Then give yourself the reward you deserve!
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