In yesterday’s post we talked about the fruits of the Spirit, and one of those fruits is joy (did you grab my free mini-ebook in that post?). The joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) When we lack joy, we lack strength. Some of the things that can deplete your joy are exhaustion, fatigue, stress, burnout.
We don’t want to burn out; we want to stay on fire for God. One of the best ways to do that is to take care of ourselves for God and our families, so we can do the things God has called us to do.
Daisy Sutherland aka Dr. Mommy Online shares three great tips to help you avoid burnout in her video below. Enjoy!
Video, Dr. Mommy
Health Tip: Avoiding Burnout from Daisy Sutherland aka Dr. Mommy on Vimeo.
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