Do you use lists? I like lists and like checking things off the list. I tend to be a little compulsive about it. If I do something that isn’t on my to-do list, I write it down after I do it, and check it off.
One of the things on my lists this year was to start coaching. I took a leap of faith this year in my business and started coaching. I was encouraged to do this by several wise, successful people. I offer personal one-on-one coaching by phone (you can purchase a one-hour session at My Estore) and group coaching in webinars, telecalls, and online classes.
I love encouraging women to use their gifts and pursue their passion, becoming all that God created them to be.
It energizes me to see a woman who has been holding back for years in fear and intimidation to start using her spiritual gifts, talents, and skills, and to start walking in her God-given purpose! My coaching helps propel women forward in their great destiny.
On one Google top-ranking life coaching website, I read about why people seek life coaches in the first place:
- They desire increased self-awareness and self-discovery
- They want to achieve better goal setting
- They want to live a more-balanced life
- They would like to lower their stress levels
- They need to acquire the skills for better decision making
- They want to obtain significantly increased confidence
- They seek to improve the overall quality of their life
- They would like to gain enhanced communication skills
- They like the idea of accountability for increased project completion
- They must improve their health or fitness level
- They have to have a better relationship with co-workers
- They crave healthy and deeper family relationships
- They want to look at life more from a Biblical worldview
I can help you with this. I just completed my first coaching group/book study online class that was for five weeks. It was a great class and a success. God’s presence was with us. From the first class, women were open and transparent, sharing their hearts. There was an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality. The women were encouraged and motivated to use their gifts for God. Here is what one of the students, Nancy Lewis, said about it:
“Coaching class with Beth Jones has been an encouragement and challenged me to do a lot of thinking. Reminding me to seek God first, not to let fear and stress control me, and to be totally submissive to God. It has been a great time of learning, sharing and making new friends. Beth is being used by God in teaching a coaching class.” -Nancy Lewis,
My dear friend Kimberly Ehlers wrote a “Getting To Know You Tuesdays” post at her site, after one of our coaching classes, and said this on Facebook to me: “Thank you, Beth! You were the push I needed to write this post.”
Maybe you need that loving but motivating push to help move you forward in your relationships, your gifts, your business.
I am now planning a spring 2012 coaching group/book study class. If you’re not on my personal mailing list, be sure to sign up today so you will be first to hear the details about it. I am SOOO excited about it! I’m braindumping today and tomorrow about the topic for the class and will share more details with you later.
I am also planning a Facebook party in a couple of weeks and a workshop in November, and will be sharing about the coaching class at these events. If you haven’t attended a Facebook party before, they are SO fun! You make new friends, network, and you can win great prizes! I’d love for you to come to meet new friends!
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