We attend a small group each Sunday with friends for worship, Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.
Today Leah and I had to miss it because the forecast was severe thunderstorms with large hail and a tornado watch. Recently I was caught in a thunderstorm cell, driving back from seeing the movie Noah.
The rain was coming down sideways and the lightning was every few seconds, coming so close to the car that I thought I’d be struck. I had to pull off twice on exit ramps for refuge, and was physically shaking from fear when I went into the convenience stores.
Even though I had a divine appointment that night, I didn’t want to go through that again, and Ray advised me not to take the risk to go today to small group.
Yesterday Ray and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. I didn’t know this, but our sweet friends Dave, Ruth, Dan, Liz, Anita, and Penney had prepared an anniversary party for Ray and me at group today! Ray was at work, and Leah and I didn’t go due to weather.
So instead, they called my phone to sing “Happy Anniversary” to us. I was working on my book, but listened to the voice mail later and laughed with joy.
Ruth made a beautiful cake, pictured below. They are such awesome friends!!!

This morning God gave Anita, a writer, a beautiful poem for our marriage and she baked gluten-free brownies for us. One of the scriptures Anita used was Psalm 42:7; she didn’t know this is my favorite Scripture in the Bible, but God did!
Liz prayed for us over the phone, praying for us to rely on God’s grace for our marriage and to give each other grace.
There were other yummy snacks they’d prepared that we missed, pictured below! (They are saving some cake and brownies for us for me to pick up this week!)

I felt terrible that we had missed the party, but believe I made the right decision to stay home for mine and Leah’s safety. Just now it was lightning bad and thundering, with hail. The sky is still dark and threatening.
Today is Palm Sunday, when Jesus made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and the crowds laid down palm branches as a path for Him, shouting, “Hosanna in the Highest!”
Missing the party today reminds me of people who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
The Bible says that when one sinner repents, the angels have a party in heaven (rejoice) – Luke 15:10.
I don’t want you to miss the party! Do you know Him?
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