Technology and I sometimes have a love-hate relationship. In today’s world, you have to be somewhat tech-savvy. For us tech-challenged people, our dependence on it can prove sometimes frustrating, especially when you can’t get it to work or something goes wrong – usually just when you need it!
Yesterday I changed my Gmail password and wrote down the wrong password. (I know, I know, duh!) Of course, Gmail won’t let me access the account without the right password (which is a good thing really!), and I now am completely dependent on Gmail staff’s mercy to get back to me very soon at an alternate email, so I can access my Gmail email again.
Although I have several backup email accounts in different places like Yahoo, my primary friendship and business contacts are in Gmail – and of course I have never written them down or created a backup file of them! Lesson learned the hard way – my usual way of learning things! (If you need to get ahold of me meanwhile, email me at The email name “Beth Jones” was already taken. And say a prayer for me about the Gmail account, please! I am backing up my contacts as soon as I can access it again!)
I was thinking about needing the right password for the access to Gmail. This morning in impatience I tried several different ones that I thought were it, but apparently they weren’t exactly right. In our relationship with God, we can try to relate to Him or find Him in different ways. It may be through going to church, reading the Bible or other devotional books, enjoying nature, doing yoga and meditation, being a good person, joining religions like Islam, Hinduism, or New Age, or looking for God in any number of ways. But there is only one way to God, one “access” to an eternal relationship with Him.
That access is through faith in His only Son Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus, in the blood He shed for us at the Cross over 2,000 years ago for our sins. He died for you and me so we could be forgiven of all our sins and have a relationship forever with God. One day we will all die and give account to God for our lives, and it will be determined at that Judgment where we spend eternity, based on our relationship to God. Faith in Jesus is the “password” to enter heaven for eternity.
I have such good news for you, dear friend. It doesn’t matter what you have done wrong in the past or even right now. God will forgive you if you ask Him. I am so thankful for His mercy and forgiveness in my own life! You don’t have to get “all cleaned up” before you come to God. Jesus’ blood is what cleans us and makes us righteous before God. “For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10: 13)
Do you have access to God through a saving faith in Jesus? If you don’t, I invite you today to meet my BFF (Best Friend Forever) Jesus. He’s waiting just for you.
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