I’m praying for everyone on the East Coast affected by Hurricane Irene – millions without power and the families who lost loved ones in this storm. My sister and my family live in Georgia and Florida, and my friend Kim and her family live in Florida, so I was especially praying for them, speaking “Peace, be still!” to the storm as Jesus did when He was in the boat with His disciples. God hears our prayers!
There is still danger of areas flooding and much clean up work to do, so let’s keep everyone in prayer! I truly believe that God responded to the fervent prayers of His people, and because of those prayers, the severity of the hurricane and its damage was lessened.
The hurricane made me think of the “spiritual storms” in our lives, and this was confirmed when I listened to a radio show this weekend with Pastor Rebecca Simmons. She said the reason that we as Christians face intense “spiritual storms” in our lives is because of the anointing of God on our lives, our destination, and our purpose in Christ. Satan does all he can to steal, kill, and destroy in our lives. We are a threat to him and his kingdom, so he attacks us to hinder us from our purpose – 0r to completely stop it!
The good news is that you and I have victory through our faith in Christ. You can know that no matter what fiery darts Satan tries to throw at you, God is in control, is your help, and is a sure refuge in the storm. You don’t have to be afraid, but can turn to and trust in Him.
Do you want to learn how to have a victorious, fulfilled life of faith? Join us for my free Talkshoe preview call on September 7 at 12:00 noon CDT, about my upcoming online group coaching/book study for 5 weeks, that will cover each chapter of my new ebook on women and spiritual warfare.
Are you lost? Depressed, discouraged or afraid? Empty and searching? Frustrated? Dissatisfied? Wanting more out of life? This call will answer your questions about my new fall program, and will give you “10 Tips For a Fulfilled Life.” Join us here in the chat room at Talkshoe or you can call in with the details below:
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