Tonight I received my friend’s invite to another social networking site. You join this one by invitation only, like a wedding invite. (I’ve gotten numerous invites from people over the past year about this particular site.)
Google Plus. Pinterest. Live Journal. More social networking sites are being created, when I am still trying to juggle Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. What’s a girl to do?
I could scream and rebel. Or like the proverbial ostrich with its head stuck in the social sand, I could ignore these networking sites.
I don’t have time for this, I think, overwhelmed at the thought of one more thing to do each day. Instead, I ask three important questions:
- What does God want me to do? Get HIS word on the matter first.
- What works best for me and my business?
- Are there more people out there who need the message God has given me?
What works best for your business? (Not using social media is not an option any more!)
Like the latest fashions, I don’t run out immediately to get it. After all, I’d look pretty ridiculous in one of these Monsoon Fusion Spring Collection get-ups, just like MySpace isn’t me, either. It’s not my space. It doesn’t fit; it’s not where I would thrive and meet my market, tribe, flock, whatever you want to call those who I resonate with online. (I call them friends.) 🙂
That doesn’t mean I don’t need to experiment and try new things. In fact, tonight I was looking again at Google Plus and Pinterest. I may join both by tomorrow! They look interesting and most importantly, FUN!!!
We do need to keep up with what’s new, and take risks to grow and expand and enlarge our territory for the Kingdom of God. But I don’t need to feel left behind simply because I’m not in the “inner circle” of the latest social networking opportunity.
I liked this conclusion from an article on the social networking fad: Social media networks, after all, are supposed to be social. They are created for connecting with people, but they can’t be the only evidence of those connections.
As Problogger writes, you’d be wise to not let Google Plus replace your blog or let Google control your destiny. Have your own home on the web where you are building your strong brand (your website/blog), and don’t pour all your life and soul into Google Plus, putting all your eggs in one basket (or Pinterest, or Facebook, or Twitter!). If you go against their terms of service, they can take all you’ve invested away.
Why not also have a live coffee meet and greet locally in your hometown? Make sure your napkins are printed with your website url or your latest coaching services/program, the coffee is outstanding, the snacks or food delicious, your presentation contains great value that helps to solve their problem or pain, and people feel welcome – even give them a hug!
That’s much better than an online social networking invite. But consider doing both offline and online social networking for your business’ success. Don’t let your networking and marketing get too top-heavy, one way or the other.
Image: photostock /
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