“You’re wonderful just the way you are. You don’t have to be perfect to be liked, loved, or looked up to. You don’t have to be perfect to take a first step, the next step, or a giant step toward your future. You don’t have to be perfect for your dreams to come true. You just have to be you!” – A Moment for You, Woman’s World magazine, January 12, 2015 issue
How are you doing with this year’s goals? I don’t make new year’s resolutions anymore, but pray and ask God for a “word or phrase” and a Scripture for the year, that acts as my compass for the entire year.
My word for 2015 is pivot/pivotal and my Scripture is John 20:16, The Message.
So far, so good. [Forbes magazine says that a study shows only 8% of people achieve their resolutions, so keep your list short and your goals specific.]
Health Goals
Smoothies: adding green veggies to your family’s diet
One of the changes I’m making this year (the way I am pivoting) is to aim for drinking a lot more water each day and adding green smoothies to my diet.
I use a blender, adding a little water after putting all the ingredients into the blender (you also can use a food processor).
- 1/2 cup fresh pineapple
- 2 large cucumbers
- 1 bunch kale without stems (4 cups chopped)
- 1/2 lemon squeezed
- 1/4 inch ginger
- 1 bunch mint (1/2 cup)
You can substitute spinach or other greens for the kale and add or substitute blueberries (or any berries) and other fruit like bananas or mango. If you’re just starting out, you can add less greens until you get more used to the taste.
I halve the ingredients of the above recipe, and save 1/2 of that for the next morning. I like to add a little cinnamon to it, too. Cinnamon has amazing benefits.
The smoothie is a pretty Irish-green color once well-blended, and to my surprise it tasted okay. Not coke or coffee good, but still okay! Leah thought it was okay, too. And it is so healthy for you!

Wildtree Meals: Not having to cook over a hot stove! Love it!
I’m still making healthy Wildtree slow-cooker meals, prepping and freezing them when I buy groceries. Here is our daughter Heather’s Wildtree Facebook page if you’d like to check out the products. They are organic:
• No GMOs
• No Insecticides
• No Pesticides
• No Irradiation
• No Preservatives
• No Food Dye
When shopping, you read labels, too (sugar and salt are in so many things!). I warn you, reading labels like this at the grocery store can add an hour to your shopping trip! But it gets easier.
People are killing themselves with the way they are eating. (I’ve been so guilty of not eating healthy until the last few years!) Remember that the closer we get to nature in our eating (and less processed foods we buy), the better for us. We need to be healthy in order to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives!
Yes, it’s a lot of work in one day, but so worth it!
As I was sharing with a coaching client this week, it prevents that freak-out occurrence of “What’s for supper tonight?” You know, not thawing anything out and after I work all day, then realize at 5 or 6 p.m. that I don’t have anything planned for supper – so we order pizza or eat fast food! NOT a good choice! The Wildtree meals have been a life-safer for our family…I just wish I’d found it so much sooner!
Donna Partow’s book – Becoming the woman you want to be!
Last January, I joined Donna Partow’s program, the 90-Day Renewal. I lost 20 pounds in the program and have maintained it (I’m still working on losing more weight!).
But the best thing about the program was how it shifted my perspective in so many ways. I realized that despite God’s deep healing in my life from childhood abuse, abortions, and adulterous relationships, basically, my life was still not in order! This was showing up in my marriage, extra weight (gluttony!), emotional meltdowns from stress, and financial struggles.
All the areas of my life are interrelated and impact each other: spirit, soul, and body.
- God’s Word and presence need to be first place every day in my life;
- My marriage needs restoration and to be more of a priority -it isn’t going to heal itself;
- My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, not a trash can;
- I need to live a life of self-discipline spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
Donna is a best-selling author and international speaker, and she walks her talk. She shares what she has learned in this book to improve your life in just a matter of 90 days – renewing you from the inside out.
I was especially interested in the health tips, and am now including this regimen in my daily life (besides the increased water, which she strongly emphasizes in this book, and the green smoothies):
- Warm water with lemon juice first thing in the morning (Lemon juice detoxifies your body, helps with weight loss, adds Vitamin C that boosts your immune system, gives energy, and fights viruses);
- 2 eggs a day (The eggs help with weight loss, raise HDL (good) cholesterol, add antioxidants good for eye health, and add protein);
- Essential Fatty Acids (capsules or liquid – EFA’s assist in brain and nervous system function, and regulate thyroid, adrenal activity, and blood pressure);
- Psyllium husk (Psyllium helps with weight loss, heart health, and regularity);
- 1 teaspoon Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 teaspoon *raw* honey in 8 oz. glass of water (helps with weight loss, blood sugar control, and is good for heart health. Vinegar also whitens teeth, removing stains. Honey has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungus properties. It stabilizes blood pressure, balances blood sugar, relieves pain, calms nerves.
Donna also recommends:
- 64 oz of water (this is a LOT of water – I’m still working on achieving 8 glasses!);
- a multivitamin;
- Ester-C (I have this on order at the herb store now);
- as many fresh vegetables as you can consume a week (I am doing this now with Wildtree meals, salads, and smoothies);
- a low-carb brand protein shake mix;
- healthy proteins (our Wildtree meals include this);
- apples and/or grapefruit;
- a rebounder (mini-trampoline for daily bouncing);
- and an 8-minute workout video of your choice (dumbbells optional) or exercise of your choice.
Some of these I’m doing, and some I’m not. (It’s been 22 degrees Fahrenheit lately here. Too freezing cold to walk outside! I need to break out the exercise videos, right?)
I have been taking new steps since the last quarter of 2014 to enhance my health.
Try one or two of these a week, adding them to your health regimen for 2015. Remember the expression, “Eat the elephant one bite at a time.”
What health goals have you set for this year? Leave your comments below.
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