For nothing is impossible with God. – Luke 1:37, NLT
My flights are now booked for Kenya, Africa, to speak at Pastor Rose Mudenyo’s women’s conference. I am SOOOO excited and praising God!
With some donations coming in from my friend Shelley Valasek’s webinar and my friend Jennifer Whiddon’s Dream BIG bracelet, I was finally able to get my yellow fever immunization.
Most of the expenses for this trip are coming out of Ray’s and my pockets (i.e., our hard work!!!!). We are still taking donations if God is tugging at your heart to sow seed into this amazing mission trip. Click here if you’d like to help by donating online.

Some people have no idea of the amount of stress I have been through to go on this trip, financially, emotionally, spiritually – or the criticism against me and even people speaking curses against Ray and me (amazingly, these are even from family & friends who are CHRISTIANS. This comes with the territory of following Christ and from the accuser of the brethren, satan!).
I know it will be worth it all, but I may need a vacation somewhere quiet and peaceful after I come back!

Despite everything, I am SUPER excited about my dream of Africa finally coming true! My only wish is that our precious daughter Heather was going, too! Going to Africa is one of her dreams, too. It breaks my heart so much she isn’t going with me. She WILL go one day! Keep praying, Heather! I’d like our sweet, youngest daughter Leah to go, too, but she doesn’t want to go to Africa.
Thank you for all your encouragement, prayers, and support. I couldn’t do this without you, my family, friends, and intercessor team members who have been warring on my behalf since I said “yes” to God and pastor Rose.
Please pray for Ray and me and our family as Ray and I leave next week! Some specific requests are:
- God’s will to be done on this mission trip and Him to fill us with His agape love for His people there in Africa.
- God’s powerful anointing on me every session as I speak.
- That Ray and I won’t get sick from the anti-malaria meds or experience any sickness, disease, or injury there, such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, sunburns, etc.
- No problems with any of our plane flights – traveling mercies.
- God’s protection upon us and our family spiritually from any acts of violence, theft, robbery, car accidents, and any spiritual warfare attacks. Special protection upon our kids and grandkids while we are gone.
- God’s abundant financial provision for our travels there. We are needing more money coming in for this trip!
- That we’ll have FUN and for Ray and me to draw closer in unity and our marriage blessed and refreshed.
- Divine appointments on the planes and in Africa.
- That we will be servants to our hosts and a blessing and encouragement to their hearts.

Yes, I’ll be taking pics! (My motto – always take pics!)
Click here if you want to sow into this amazing opportunity!
For all of you who have prayed for me and encouraged me, the words “thank you” fall so short of my gratitude and how I feel about you. You are so precious to me. Thank you for holding up my arms in battle. It’s been a long road and I still need great faith, strength, power and stamina.
Thank you for believing in me and believing WITH me for this BIG DREAM COME TRUE.
Thank you to Ray for his incredibly hard work to help make this dream possible. God will reward you!
Our beautiful children and grandchildren and sister Maria and her family, I love you so very much and wish you could come with us.
Most of all, Jesus, I love you and thank you so much for allowing me of all people to be used by You for Your glory! God, let me please You and make You smile.
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