Today I enjoyed Diane Cunningham’s call, especially when she shared about how connected we are as women today through social media. Some of the best friends I’ve ever made are online. On Twitter one night, I saw that a prayer request went out for Joanne Heim, speaker, author, beloved wife and homeschooling mom of two beautiful girls. She’d had a major stroke.
I don’t know her and hadn’t read Joanne’s blog before, but I immediately started praying for her. So many people are, and as a result of those prayers, God has done miraculous things. Her rapid progress has amazed family, doctors and medical staff.
You see the button here at my site, “Praying for Joanne.” I don’t usually put a lot of buttons on my site, but felt led by God to include this one. It will remind me and others to continue to pray for her. Tonight I went on Joanne’s blog and read her husband Toben’s updates. Yes, all of them. I read every single blog post that he’d written since she had the stroke, tears filling my eyes as he described all Joanne and her family have been through, day by day – the uncertainty, the fears, the victories in Christ.
I also read many of Joanne’s posts that she had written before the stroke, and was inspired, convicted, challenged. What an incredible woman of God.
I agree in faith for Joanne’s complete and total healing, and will keep praying. I also looked at her sister Kristen’s blog where Kristen has journaled Joanne’s incredible progress with blog posts and beautiful photography.
Let’s keep Joanne and her family lifted up before God. I encourage you to stop by and visit Joanne’s website for updates. You can also give financially via Paypal or check here, send cards or letters, and spread the word through email, blogs, and social media.
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