Our daughter Heather and her family arrived safely home in Missouri tonight – thanks so much to all of you who prayed! We chatted on the phone and talked about our mutual desire to move to Florida. Why? Here is a postcard they bought as a souvenir, and this pretty much sums it up:
We both love the beach – the beautiful, amazing ocean that God created. Missouri? Tonight and tomorrow the weather forecast predicts freezing rains. ‘Nuf said.
What about you? Where do you want to visit, to travel to, to live, to start a new life? What is your dream?
What’s keeping you from it?
It’s important to have not just resolutions for 2011 and the next 10 years, but dreams. Write them down. World-traveler Chris Guillebeau, who has visited 140 countries and plans to travel to the rest of the countries in the world, wrote a great post on dreams and life.
God wants to give us our dreams, the desires of our heart. Today think about yours. Hold them up before God, and pray about them. Determine to do what it is that you’d love to do with His help. Then do it!
Blogging soon in Florida and in Africa…. 🙂
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