Only 15 days until Christmas and 21 days until this year is over! As 2011 is around the bend, it’s a good time for reflections. Here’s some challenging questions to look back on 2010 and to anticipate 2011:
- What went well in 2010? What goals and dreams did you achieve? How did you achieve them? Write these things down. Take yourself out and celebrate these victories – buy yourself a pretty new outfit or scarf, a new book, treat yourself to dinner with a friend or to a movie. You did it! Look at how far you’ve come this year!
- What goals did you NOT achieve in 2010? What were the reasons? What hindered or stopped you? Identify self-limiting beliefs and the roots of those beliefs.
- What grudges are in your heart still? Who do you need to forgive? Forgiveness sets you free.
- What are you afraid of? How is fear interfering with your dreams and goals? How is anger or discouragement interfering?
- What relationship(s) do you need to work on? What is one step you can take today to improve it?
- How did procrastination interfere with your goals in 2010? Re-read the book Eat That Frog.
- What are some funny things your spouse, kids, and friends said and did in 2010? Write them down. Make a scrapbook of photos and quotes to preserve sweet memories. Burn digital photos on cds or back up digital photos online. Be sure to date them, and add comments to help jog your memory of events later. Consider writing a diary to go along with the pictures.
- What good books did you read and study in 2010? Write down 10 books you will read by the end of 2011. Include books that teach you new things such as Dave Ramsey’s book on finances, More Than Enough, books that make you laugh such as Becky Freeman’s marriage book Marriage 911, books that inspire you like Alexandra Stoddard’s decorating book Living A Beautiful Life, books that grow your faith such as Beth Moore’s Bible studies, and books that help you just get away from it all like Eat, Pray, Love .
- What lessons did you learn in 2010? Will you have to pass the test again in 2011 or are you tired of going around this same mountain?
- Is this the life you want? What needs to change in your life? How will you get there?
- Where did you travel in 2010? Where do you want to travel in 2011? Write dates on the calendar. Start making plans now. Check the airfare and hotel or bed and breakfast rates. Price tours. Dream!
- What friends did you make in 2010? How have these people enriched your life? What is it about them that you particularly like? Do you still want to be friends with them in 2011?
- What character trait did you work on in 2010? Are you still working on it? What is something new you can work on in 2011 to improve yourself?
- What do you think 2011 holds for you?
- What big dream is still in your heart? Do it! Ask God and He will help you. He is the dream-giver and the dream-fulfiller.
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. ” ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce
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