Today, after nearly a YEAR of waiting, I got my hair done–yay! (Colored, blonde highlights, and trim) I feel like a new woman! The Bible says a woman’s hair is her glory. (1 Corinthians 11:15) I believe it! Although hair isn’t everything (it’s the heart that counts), it affects a woman so much when her hair doesn’t look good. I now feel so much more attractive and better about myself.
This appointment was to reward myself for my hard work, writing the last book God told me to write, Metamorphosis: Transformed From Despair to Hope (for sale at Amazon here). Whenever you meet a goal, you should reward yourself for your accomplishment! Make sure it’s something that you love. Today, mine was getting my hair done and eating Mexican!

I enjoy chatting with my hairdresser, Yvette at The Y Factor, in Butler, MO, where I live. She’s an outgoing, friendly Sanguine red-head who talks and laughs a lot. She’s also successful and very knowledgeable about business, so I like talking with her for success ideas.

Afterward, my husband Ray and I went to eat at El Charro, the Mexican restaurant here in town, for me to get my chips and salsa fix (I’m addicted!). I hadn’t eaten lunch today, so I was hungry. I told Ray that I felt like I could eat a horse! He said out of the side of his mouth that he’d be sure to keep me steered clear of any pastures.
My cat Natalya acted like she hadn’t seen me in years after I was gone today. Ray said while I was at the hair salon, she sat at the back door, staring at it and meowing, until she finally resigned herself that I wasn’t coming home for awhile and climbed into bed with him as he tried to sleep, following his work shift. She was glad to see me when I came home. (It’s nice to be so loved!)
She is a very needy cat. I constantly pet her! She’s so sweet, cute, and funny, and she makes me laugh.

She is now in my office, occasionally meowing at me, so in a little while I need to get off here and pay attention to her and pet her!
“Time spent with a cat is never wasted.” –Colette (author, Gigi)
Over the last couple of days, I’ve been working on my website theme to include a sunflower header. I’ve changed the website frequently yesterday and today. Whenever I get bored, restless, discouraged, or some other intense emotion, I start changing my website theme. I become intently dissatisfied and then obsessed.

As I ate my chips and salsa today, I talked to Ray non-stop about my website and business. He patiently listened and watched me devour my food. Then he wisely told me that people don’t really care how pretty a website is; they are simply looking for good content and a variety of interesting things you can offer them. So true! (But I still like pretty websites!)
This is a new responsive, minimalist WordPress theme called “Freedom.” Do you like it?
My goal this year is to begin studying marketing for my speaking and books and do whatever else God wants me to do. I want to be aligned with His purpose for my life and follow Jesus. What about you?
“Following Christ isn’t something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side. It is not a label we can display when it is useful. It must be central to everything we do and are.” –Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed By a Relentless God
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