Sometimes you are just having an ordinary day when suddenly – serendipity. In simplest terms, “serendipity” means “a pleasant surprise.” Today when the last class of my 2010 Spring Clean Your Business coaching program with Cindy Rushton was finished (her coaching programs are awesome), I went to check my email and discovered that I had been nominated for a blog award! Since I’ve received only one other award in my whole life (for my Toastmasters’ speech contest), I was excited about this. (Yes, I know, I need more of a life, lol.)
My blog was nominated for the “Beautiful Blogger Award” and “One Lovely Blogger Award” by Alex Headrick. You will have to check out her blog Journey To Beauty, on finding your true freedom, identity, and joy in God.
Here are the rules for the “Beautiful Blogger Award” and “One Lovely Blog Award”:
The best part about it is that this award is meant to be passed on. Thank and link to the person that gave you the award. A big thanks, Alex! Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers you’ve recently discovered. Contact the Bloggers and let them know they’ve won. State 7 things about yourself for all to see. Here are mine:
1. I passionately love Jesus and my family.
2. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. I want to travel to every continent, many times in my lifetime. A short-term missions trip to Africa is very much on my heart right now.
3. Chocolate, new shoes, and Sharpie ultra-fine pens just make life so much better.
4. I hate being hot. So why do I want to do # 2? (go to Africa?)
5. In social situations I am quiet and shy until you get to know me a little – then you can’t get me to shut up! (Just ask Ray.)
6. It’d be fun to meet my website’s (female!) readers and listeners in real life at Starbucks one day.
7. This is the year for us to reach our goals and see our dreams come true! God is the dream-giver and dream-fulfiller.
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