Have you ever been traveling somewhere new, when suddenly there was construction ahead, and your car’s GPS redirects you? The female voice always says, “Recalculating” several times until Ray and I are back on the right highway again.
Sometimes in life, God changes your direction, too. He does this because He knows exactly where you are going and how to take you safely there. Let Jesus take the wheel!
His word, the Bible, is your GPS, and God will never steer you wrong!
Right now that’s what God is doing in my life. He’s redirecting me and I’m on a different journey this year. After much prayer, talking with my husband and family, and a coaching session from a very successful, wise entrepreneur, I’m adding a new arm to my business and ministry at BethJones.net: virtual assistance services.

I now transcribe videos and audios, ghost write, assist entrepreneurs on webinars and teleseminars to test to see the video and hear the audio, edit blogs, and more. If you or someone you know needs these services, please contact me here.
I bought a new white headset with ear buds and a mic on Amazon that mimics Apple’s, which had good reviews. (Pictured above) I can use these to listen to and transcribe videos and audios, instead of my clunky, heavier ones that I’ve been using for videos and podcasting.
This week I chose and installed a new business theme at my website to rebrand my business as a VA. While it’s a responsive theme that you can see across all electronic devices (computer, laptop, smart phone, iPad, etc.), you can only see the full power and beauty of this theme on a computer or laptop, so I encourage you to look at it on one of those soon.
I love it! I think it looks professional and clean. What do you think of it? It looks totally different from my formerly pink website!

Yes, I will still speak and write books.
In fact, this past week my newest eBook, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams, is available for sale for just 99 cents on Amazon here! (Remember, sharing is caring!) This eBook already has five, 5-star reviews and reached Amazon Best Seller in its category and sub-categories.
But most of my time and energy now will be spent serving Christian women speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs transcribing their videos and audios and being a virtual assistant. If you or someone you know needs help, please let me know! I already have my first client, who’s sending me more work this week, and I’m very excited!
Has God ever redirected your path? In what way? Leave your comments below.
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