I am so excited and honored to be speaking on my friend Tony Robinson’s Well Watered Woman Ministry Blog Talk Radio Show tonight at 8 p.m. CST/9 p.m. EST, and we would LOVE to have you join us live in the chat room or by phone. If you aren’t able to hear the call, there will be a replay at Blog Talk Radio afterward in the archives.
I’ll be sharing the same message that I gave at the Women of Destiny conference on the cruise to the Bahamas, Your Great Destiny.
You can listen on your computer or by phone.
Click here for the link to the show to join Tony in the chat room. You can ask Tony or me questions, share your “aha’s” or comments, or ask prayer requests.
To join the chat room, you sign in with your BTR user name and password or sign in as a guest.
Below are the call-in details for the show, if you would rather call into the show:
BTR Phone No.: (949) 266-671
We would love to see you there!
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