Tag: grace

  • God’s repair shop

    This morning I had breakfast at Quick Dine III, an old-fashioned, mom-and-pop-type diner here in town, where you can get the best, crispiest bacon ever, a good, very cheesey omelette with hash browns (plenty of ketchup!), and a decent, creamy,…

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  • My one word for 2019

    Several years ago I stopped making New Year resolutions, because, let’s face it, they were broken the first month (sometimes the first week!)–like walking again or eating healthier! I heard about instead, creating a #oneword and a Scripture verse(s) to…

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  • Do you need a reset button?

    This morning I woke up much later than usual, which threw my day off. Then Ray and I had some “intense domestic fellowship,” as our friends Don and Gala dub marriage conflicts, over something stupid (usually arguments between married couples…

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