Tag: training

  • Awesome writing training

    Do you want to write a book and become an Amazon Best Seller Author? I’ve written 15 books, and am now writing my 16th book. One of the most amazing resources I’ve ever found to help me write my books…

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  • Persevere

    Recently I got a new, part-time job to help our family get out of debt faster. Finance guru Dave Ramsey says 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, the average student loan is $29,400, and 90% of Americans buy things…

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  • Awesome writers’ training

    This year I signed up for Shelley Hitz’s amazing beta writers’ training. Shelley has inspired me so much with her writing success. She’s written over 35 eBooks at Amazon and her husband CJ has written 20. Together, their royalties from…

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