Tag: violin

  • Galway Girl Part 2

    This is post #7 of a blog series I’m writing including pictures of the recent amazing trip I took with our precious, beautiful daughter Leah. Here are posts: #1, My daughter Leah and I went to Ireland, #2, Ireland: Dreams…

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  • Lots of changes

    I’m sitting here in my office drinking my coffee, thick with hazelnut creamer, an indulgence I have these days to replace my coke habit. Not coke as in crack, but Coca Cola™. I was addicted to it for years and…

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  • A year from now

    Today is Day 21 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Today’s suggested blog topic was imagining the future…what your family, blog, business, town, state, etc., will be like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. In one year, I believe my husband…

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