I will be interviewing Diane tomorrow, January 4 at 2:00 p.m. Central Time (3 p.m. Eastern Time) on my Women’s Battles Radio Show at Talkshoe.
Diane will be sharing her powerful story and her tips for becoming a successful woman entrepreneur.
We’d love for you to join us in the chat room here.
Or you can call in by phone with the Talkshoe call-in details below:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 98698
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Since 2005, Diane has worked under the DianeCunningham.com umbrella as a coach, speaker, facilitator, and entrepreneur. She founded the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs in May of 2010 to help women connect, create, and collaborate.
Under Diane’s leadership, NACWE grew from 0 to 165 members in the first year and hosted the 1st Annual Conference, the Inspired Women’s Event with 45 women in attendance.
She is a Certified Mastermind Executive Coach. Her training and background is in the mental health field. She worked for many years in a hospital Employee Assistance Program. Prior to that she spent time working with domestic violence and addictions. She has a Masters Degree in Education (Guidance and Counseling) from Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington and a Bachelors Degree from the same school in Interpersonal Communications.
Diane is an author of Dear Female Entrepreneur, My Friend and co-author of Inspired Women Succeed ,just released in May 2011. www.InspiredWomenSucceed.com
She is an avid volunteer and currently serves as the Regional Advocate for the Small Business Development Center for North Texas. She is active in her church, local community events, and non-profit organizations that fit with her life mission. She was named as one of the Top 2o Leaders under the Age of 40 in her community in January 2011 and chosen as the Inspirational Women of the Month for April for Inspirational Woman Magazine.
Diane loves people, shopping, Starbucks, reading, and spending time with friends. She has run 4 marathons with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program and loves to go to zumba classes. She is passionate about God and is basking in the amazing journey that He has her on!
“My mission is to inspire women to dream big, catch on fire, and change the world.”
We’d love to see you there at Talkshoe tomorrow – and be sure to bring a friend!
***This post may contain affiliate links. Beth Jones only endorses products, services, or websites which she personally believes in and/or has used.***
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