I’ve been doing different things this morning, none of which are productive but are a lot of fun. I am still in my comfy pj’s and slippers with no makeup on, I’ve had too much caffeine and just had chips & salsa to eat, and I’ve been watching videos of Gary Vaynerchuk, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Crush It (and a new book called The Thank You Economy). Gary is offensively profane, but he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to online business and social media.
One of the powerful things he said on one video was, “Marry your consumer.”
Of course, I’m already married (although Ray might be willing to offer me to the highest bidder), but you get it. Gary is saying, KNOW THEM. Know their likes, dislikes, passions, interests, what they eat, what movies they love, what books and magazines they read, what they look like, what they buy, what they don’t buy, what their deepest need and fear is, what they’re tweeting, what pics they’re sharing on Facebook.
And know their story.
Sandi Krakowski wrote about “their story” in her ezine this morning, and it resonated with me. I wanted to share it with you ~ and to also say thank YOU for visiting my website, reading my blogs, attending my telecalls and webinars, signing up for my ezine, buying my products and coaching services. I’m honored you’ve chosen to be in my space, my home on the web.
I could NOT do this business/ministry without God, my family’s support, and YOU. You make what I do possible and I appreciate it so much. I’m grateful for you!
“You” are from all over the world. My website stats show me that the top countries for people visiting my site are:
- U.S.
- Germany
- Russian Federation
- Canada
- Great Britain
- Romania
- France.
I have visitors from my Facebook page, my YouTube channel, my Pinterest, NACWE, Amazon, Iphone, and Android phones.
You find my site from top keywords like God, The Last Song podcast, U.S. Troops, Beth Jones, Lost (t.v. series show that I was addicted to) storms, prayer, and interestingly enough, fuzzy robes (I know, huh? LOL).
The most popular city of visitors of my Facebook business page is Houston, Texas. The most popular age group of visitors to my Facebook business page are 35 to 44 years old, although my Facebook page visitors are from 13 years old to over 55 years old. (17% are 25 to 34 years old).
The majority of my Facebook business page visitors are women (91%) and men visitors are 8.2%. My Facebook business page visitors are from the U.S., South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Bulgaria.
It completely humbles me that God is using me to touch people (women and men, Generations Y and Z), of all ages and backgrounds, across the world. Thank you seems so inadequate…but I offer it with all my heart.
Wherever you are from, whatever you’re doing, I’m glad you’re here today for me to serve, encourage, and pray for you.
From my heart…
“As I look through our social media profiles and I see your faces; as I read through the emails in our Aweber account and I see your names, I’m struck with the awareness that each one of you has a story. Each one of you has a home you go to every single night (some of you work there as well). You are someone’s wife and you are someone’s husband. Some of you are a daughter or a son. Some are with a lot of people all day, and others are very much alone. The fact remains that the reason you are getting this update today, a weekly wrap up on April 27, 2012 is very simple- you desire to hang out with us, through email, our blog and social media. I wish you could see my face right now and feel my heart. I’m honored and I don’t ever want to take this for granted. With the truest of motives and the most sincere place of my heart- thank you.” ~ Sandi Krakowski
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