Has the enemy been attacking your home – your marriage, your children, your finances, your business, your ministry? The Bible tells us that satan goes about as a roaring lion. (1 Peter 5:8) He’s the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) Satan wants to destroy your castle.
He’s not going to stop. He never gives up. He knows his time is very near. He always looks for the vulnerable areas in our lives, and he hits that area again and again. He is not playing, and he is real.
It’s important to be alert in the Spirit and to stay in prayer and in God’s word to protect your home. My friend Cindy Rushton has shared about the weapons of our warfare and about setting firm boundaries -protective hedges – in her show at Christian Women Affiliate’s radio show, Castles Under Fire. She also shares how you are a mighty warrior for God and how to keep your eyes on your commander, Jesus.
(I’ll be sharing about more of this topic of warfare in my newest ebook on women and spiritual warfare. If you’re not already on my update list, be sure to sign up today to get the newest updates at www.bethjones.net on when this ebook will be released soon!)
This show by Cindy is not “fluff” – it’s meat, and it takes some time to listen to – but it’s well worth it. You can listen to the show here. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/cwa-radio/2011/03/21/mom-to-mom-radio
“The greatest work you will ever do is inside the walls of your home.” ~ cross stitching of Cindy’s
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