Several years ago Ray bought me a beautiful picture that is one of my favorites. It is of a lovely, young Oriental woman on her knees. She is inside a clay pot, and outside are God’s large hands, shaping the vessel on the potter’s wheel, based on Jeremiah 18:1-12 when God told Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house. As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are we in God’s loving hands. Sometimes when God is working with this hard, stiff clay, it does not yield easily. God has to wash us more with the watering of His word. Sometimes, just as a potter must put pressure on the clay to center it and shape it, God must allow pressures and difficulties in our lives to mold us into the image of Jesus, to create us into the beautiful vessels He intends us to be.
Today’s podcast is on the story of the potter and the clay. .
Be sure to tune in, and be encouraged with God’s word. I was inspired to do the podcast after watching an online, illustrated sermon by Joshua Ben King at Evangel Temple in Jacksonville, FL. Learn the key to becoming God’s distinctive, beautiful, honorable vessel.
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