Are you all snowed in? Here in Missouri yesterday we were under a blizzard warning! We now have several FEET of snow at our front step and on our back deck. As you can see in the picture above, the snow came up to our neighbor’s door. It looks like a Narnia wonderland here – beautiful! Praise God we still have electricity!
This morning I am getting ready for my webinar on women and spiritual warfare. If you are not signed up, you still have time to sign up. Just click on this link.
You can read my article at Ezine Articles that I wrote about webinars here. Because it is such a long article, I tried to throw in some humor. Please let me know your thoughts about it and any topics you are interested in for future webinars! Leave your comments below. I now have expert author status at Ezine Articles. You can read the rest of my artices here at this link.
See you at today’s webinar at 11 a.m. Central Time!
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