I’ve been posting pics and videos of my trip to the Bahamas on my Facebook business page (not my Facebook profile page!). This was foremost a business trip, so that is why they are on the business page. Videos take up a LOT of space on a website, but I want you to be able to enjoy them, so you can view them on my Facebook business page by clicking here.
OR you can view them on my YouTube channel by clicking here.
I’m not sure why, but many of the videos didn’t have sound for some reason and they also need to be rotated with Windows Live Movie Maker so I’m having to rotate them first – and I’ve added Reggae music to them for you to enjoy them. 🙂
Windows Live Movie Maker won’t rotate the videos in their current format from my phone, so I have to use Real Player Converter to convert them to WMV format first. Then I have to rotate the video with Windows Live.
As you can imagine, this is a slow process that is taking a LOT of time because I have LOTS of videos! :O But I’m determined to keep posting them for you to enjoy! What do you think of the ones I have finished so far?
I’m also uploading the pics to my Facebook page as fast as possible, and I’ll continue writing my Women of Destiny blog series here at www.BethJones.net, so keep checking back to read about this exciting trip!
Keep checking my Facebook page and YouTube channel this weekend and next week to view the videos – and be sure to “favorite” them and “like” my Facebook page. Let me know what you think of the pics and videos by leaving your comments. 🙂 I hope to finish my ebook on the trip SOON!
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