Part of fulfilling your purpose and your calling from God is knowing what practical tools you need to do that and using them. A paramedic uses medical equipment and medicines. A firefighter uses his protective gear, ladders, the equipment on the firetruck, hoses and fire hydrants. Policemen use their vehicles, radios, and guns. Speakers use notes, visual aids, microphones, and other sound equipment. Writers use pen and paper or computers. Website designers and artists use graphic art software. You get the idea.
One of the best tools I found when I began my writing and speaking business for an autoresponder/ezine is Aweber. I LOVE Aweber. It is, in my opinion, the best tool out there if you are building a list of subscribers. When people visit your website, they don’t necessarily always come back. But you want them to! One way you can ensure they will is by offering valuable, fresh content at your site and an appealing offer to sign up for your personal mailing list, such as my special report, an ecourse, or a video series. Once they sign up, you want an autoresponder that will make it simple and easy to email your list, and you want one that requires people to opt in to be sure they want to hear from you.
You also want one that you can depend on and trust to deliver your emails when you want them sent, and to not have a lot of problems. One plus of Aweber is that you can customize your ezine or newsletter with pictures, your website’s banner, or however you want. Aweber allows you to have multiple lists. You can even send your ezine or newsletter to your Twitter followers!
If you are a writer, a speaker, a coach, or have your own business, Aweber will help you with fulfilling your purpose.
Want to learn more? Just watch the video below and then click on the banner below it.*
Aweber video
Send Your First Email Newsletter Today – AWeber Communications
*This website may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products I believe in and trust.
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