Today I recorded a new podcast for my January 2015 Goals and Dreams podcast series, Declutter and Organize for 2015. You can listen to it by clicking here. You can subscribe to my official podcast on Itunes here.
I’ve been organizing and decluttering and seeking God in prayer.
I wonder, what does this year hold?
Lots going on spiritually. Jesus said in the end times men’s hearts would fail them in fear (Luke 21:26), but not to be afraid (Mark 5:36). We just need to pray, have faith, and trust God.
This week I asked myself that question as I just took down our Christmas decorations. I related to beautiful Kristen’s post about decorations On Getting to Know Yourself.
While I don’t usually carry it out to Valentine’s Day like the hillbillies, I do leave them up longer than many people who are chompin’ at the bit to take them down the morning after Christmas. It makes me sad to put away the decorations, so I wait a little longer than most..and enjoy the beautiful lights and reminders of Christ’s birth and resurrection.
Jacqui reminds me to keep things simple this year. To rest. To nourish my soul.
I do my part but let God take care of the rest:
- my imperfect marriage;
- not knowing exactly how to motivate Leah for her next step – if you have any ideas, please let me know!
- provision when there’s more month than money;
- God’s open doors for me for speaking (I’d love to speak at your women’s conference or retreat! Just contact me);
- the horror and the pain in Nigeria that the world ignores and numbs itself to. The BBC reports 620 buildings damaged or destroyed by fire and local officials said 2,000 died in the attack. The Nigerian government claiming only 150 – even so, 150 dead (but I believe it is much more).
Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Help us keep our gaze on You.
Yes, what does this year hold? Your thoughts?
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