In case you are wondering why I’m quiet lately and if I’m just shopping a lot, actually I have not even started shopping yet – rare for me to wait until the last minute, but we’ve had to watch our finances lately! Instead of shopping, I’ve been busy behind the scenes working on new projects for the coming year: my January 2011 webinar at CWA on spiritual warfare, a new ebook on women and their daily spiritual battles and struggles (very excited about this one! I have 8 women contributing their stories to it so far!), and creating another website.
“But Beth,” you may be thinking, “How can you create another website if you’re not even paying attention to your own – your main one, OR the homeschooling site?” Well sometimes you just need something new and fresh to work on to get different perspectives. It’s like walking outside in the cold air – it’s invigorating.
The site is for writers, speakers, and bloggers and will be a place of encouragement, inspiration, challenge, and practical help. I ran across the free theme today and decided on the spot to download it and just start a new website! Don’t you love spontaneity? I’d love to know what you think! Leave your comments here or at the new site. The site is still being built, so stay tuned for more!
It is https://www.bethjones.net/writingroom.
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