Did you know that God has wonderful surprises in store for you and me?
Although I wanted to visit my friends Herb and Diane Bishop in Michigan, traveling there wasn’t on my radar this year. But they invited me there to visit them and to attend an Encounter ministry weekend. Herb had just been to the men’s Encounter, and wanted his wife Diane and their ministry Board of Directors to experience it, too, because he thought it was amazing. (I’m on their Board of Directors.) So with God’s blessing and a friend’s help, my Southwest plane trips were booked and the Encounter ministry fee was paid for!

Diane didn’t know this, but I had been looking at tulips at Walmart. They come in various, vibrant colors. I’ve never grown any, but think they are beautiful. Suddenly, Diane emailed me that they would pick me up at the airport and take me that day to Holland, Michigan, where there is a park filled with gorgeous tulips and they are planted all around town.

They also would take me to Lake Michigan after that, which I’d wanted to visit. I’ve never seen any of the 5 Great Lakes there. These lakes are huge and like the ocean with waves – amazing and beautiful! They even have sea gulls – but no salt in the water, like other oceans.
I sensed that God wanted me to read a Scripture over Lake Michigan and to pray and prophesy over the lake and the people of Michigan, which is Psalm 42:7, my favorite Scripture in the Bible because I love water and waterfalls:
“Deep calls to deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me.” I prayed that God would show the people of Michigan the depths of His love, forgiveness, mercy, and goodness.
Diane and I were actually standing by the inlet to the lake/ocean when I read this. Herb was waiting in the car for us, because the park where the lake/ocean was located was closed and they wouldn’t allow people to park close by the sand dunes. When we got back into the car, Herb asked if I had actually gone to where the OCEAN was. Diane said no but that I saw the inlet, and Herb said I needed to actually go to the ocean since I had come all this way! He was so right and I’m SO glad and happy that I did go on the beach up to the waves to see it! I hope to come back one day again, maybe this summer! I’ve never seen a lake that is like the ocean!

When I arrived, I pondered aloud to Herb and Diane why God would have me go to these two places, since I had sensed ahead of time God speaking to my heart about them. Herb said that maybe it was just so God could show me the beauty of His creation and because He is good (to me!). I believe that is accurate and the reason I went to see the tulips and the ocean. (I believe He also wanted me to visit my friends and go to the Encounter weekend – more on that in the next blog post.)

In fact, spending time with Herb and Diane and seeing the gorgeous tulips and incredible ocean was THE favorite and best parts of my trip to Michigan! I’m so thankful to God and to them for taking me there!

We also went to Windmill Island, a quaint and fun place which also has tulips, a small walking trail, a large windmill with pieces brought over from Holland, and cute gift shops, where I bought a few little souvenirs for my family and we took pics of each other by the tulips. I bought some Dutch chocolate for myself – yum. It was so good. I love doing stuff like this when traveling!

We stopped by a coffee shop, where Diane and I got a decaf mocha latte. I love going to new coffee shops!
After seeing Lake Michigan, we stopped by Mancino’s, which has huge, delicious sub sandwiches. It was messy but incredible and we had enough left over for a sandwich the next day for lunch.
We stopped by a grocery store for a few items on the way, and I saw pretty tulip napkins that I bought for us to eat our sandwiches with, in honor of Holland, Michigan tulips! I kept one as a souvenir. 🙂

God is so good to give you and me sweet surprises. Serendipity – a pleasant surprise. In my next blog post in this Michigan series, I’ll share about the great place I stayed in Michigan.

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