Were you able to join us this weekend at Cindy Rushton’s Talk-a-Latte’ retreat? I spoke Saturday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. on Do The Next Thing – about us never operating in presumption, but always asking God what to do, like King David…
Are you needing some encouragement to fulfill your dreams and to get your goals and resolutions done this year? That is the theme of Cindy Rushton’s Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club special retreat, Secrets To Ultimate Productivity. The retreat is this Thursday, February…
We have a winner! The winner of my contest for a free ticket to Cindy Rushton’s Ultimate Homeschool Expo 2010 is Mary Ann Ward. Congratulations, Mary Ann! Whooo-hooo! I wish ALL of you who participated in the contest could have won…
UHSE 2010 I don’t attend many online events through the year, but there is one event I make sure to fit into my schedule each year – the Ultimate Homeschool Expo! It is here again, and each year it gets…
Celebrity new hairstyle If you have noticed Tablet Of My Heart’s website appears different, it has gotten a little bit of a new look. The “search” feature is now underneath the RSS and email subscribe button at the top of the page…
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