Today is International Women’s Day. It became a national holiday in Soviet Russia in 1917, after women gained the right to vote there. Today all over the world, people are celebrating women. God celebrates women, too–in a holy way. He…
This past Sunday, October 15, 2017, I had the honor to speak at the Precious Blood Retreat Center in Liberty, MO, for a women’s retreat. I’ve been speaking for over 10 years now, and in all that time, I’ve never…
Right now there’s a lot going on in our family: marriage conflicts for us and our middle daughter and her husband; all of our family’s financial problems; Ray’s daily back, knee and joint pain, but still having to work to…
“The greater the mission, and the more difficult and time-consuming it is, the deeper our why must be to help us achieve our goal successfully.”–Steven K. Scott, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived: Secrets for Unparalleled Success and Unshakable Happiness…
I spoke at the Olathe, Kansas Aglow on my signature talk, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes, about walking in your unique shoes (purpose). In 1989 I was in the midst of a suicidal depression living in an apartment…
This may be the last post on our Kenya Missions Trip, where I spoke at a 3-Day Conference in Bungoma, Kenya, Africa. You can read part 1 by clicking here. You can read part 2 by clicking here. This morning…
Africa Amazon Beth Jones Beth Jones international speaker books business children Cinderella coaching destiny dreams earthquake ebooks Faith family finances fitness forgiveness goals God Haiti healing health hope Jesus Jesus Christ Kindle love marriage new year parenting prayer purpose Ray Jones relationships Speaking spiritual gifts spiritual warfare success travel traveling vacation women's conferences Writing writing books