Image by Rachel Walker @Unsplash
You’ve probably heard of the Asbury Revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. It’s been going about 11 days strong now. Students were having a regular service in the chapel there and a few lingered after the service. The Spirit of God fell and there was worship, praise, and repentance among the university students.
People from across the USA and even the world began coming to witness and to participate in this event. It caught the attention of the media and other places began experiencing similar things. I think it’s powerful and beautiful, and I’m praying nothing weird or warped happens as a result, but that it remains a pure move of God with a hunger and a thirst for Him and that the holy flame of God spreads across America and the world.
Unfortunately, the President of the University shut down the 24/7 worship services, citing safety and security concerns. (In my opinion, there’s nothing safer than the presence of God, but everyone has to do what they believe to be best.) Students and people younger than 25 years old are allowed at the services at night, and people who are older can attend the afternoon services. They will no longer allow live-streaming of the event and bags will be searched.
You can see YouTube videos of the students and long lines of people out in the cold day and night, just to worship and praise God. Here is one of the people singing, “Holy Spirit, you are welcome here.” Wonderful!
Whether you want to call it a revival, an awakening, a renewal, or whatever, it is exciting. It has made me to start examining my own heart and to ponder: What needs reviving in your life and in mine?
- Your relationship with God?
- Your marriage?
- Your relationship with your children and/or grandchildren?
- Your health?
- Your business?
- Your dream(s)?
I talk about this on my podcast this week, which you can listen to here.
Revival begins with you and me, in our relationship with God.
“Revival begins in the individual’s heart. Let it begin with you on your face alone before God. Turn from every sin that might hinder. Renew yourself to a new devotion to the Savior.” — Lee Robertson
What do you think of the Asbury Revival? Please leave your comments below.
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