Writers love to write, but sometimes they avoid writing. They do everything under the sun but write.
For example, I have a looming deadline from my writing/business coach Shelley Hitz in her Beta Author Audience Academy‘s coaching program.
I have to FINISH my new eBook by the end of THIS week! I knew it was coming up fast, but didn’t realize the deadline was so soon!
Yesterday, I was a little freaked out about this and so not inspired to write. So what did I do? I winded up watching an action movie on Netflix. (I don’t even like action movies!)
See what I mean? Writers’ avoidance. And I’m not even a procrastinator-I hate procrastination!
This morning I awoke extra early, very determined to get it done, and posted this on Facebook: “Up and at ’em early. Much to do today! Let’s see how much I can knock out before noon with God’s help, guidance, and anointing.”

It started out fast. Cooked an egg and the bacon in the Foreman’s Grill, went by the bank, paid a small debt OFF (Praise God!), mailed letters, wrote a speaking presentation, and then I went to Mexican lunch with our daughter Leah. (Mexican food seems to resolve most problems!) Now I’m back home, and trying NOT to slow down -or to avoid writing again!
Staying busy, spending too much time on social media, reworking your website pages, and web surfing are other ways writers avoid writing. Here’s some starting ideas to help you with writing avoidance.
I can’t wait to share the eBook with you, though (once it’s written and published!) I took an informal survey on my Facebook page offering a couple of book topics, and it was unanimous from my friends/peeps. Shoes won! The eBook will be on my signature talk topic: The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes.
Based on the beloved fairy tale of Cinderella (whose story I relate to a lot), it’s about God not creating you to fit in, but to stand out.
God set you apart and made you to be a woman of influence and impact! Just as the Prince chose Cinderella to be his beautiful, radiant bride, Jesus your Prince has chosen you to be His. Walk in your own unique glass slippers – your Divine purpose and calling.
Okay, now to finish this eBook!
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