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My one word 2023: Light

How is your 2023 going so far? Before the beginning of each year, I reflect on that year and pray about the coming year. God often begins speaking to me a “one word” before the beginning of each year which serves as a theme throughout the year, and He usually also gives me a Scripture or two for the year.

Sometimes He gives me a song to go with the one word. (I stopped making new year’s resolutions years ago because I often broke them within the first month — or the first week!)

Let your light shine image

My one word for 2023 is “Light.”

The two Scriptures for this one word are John 1:5 and Daniel 12:3.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.’ (Daniel 12:3)

Photo source by Alexander Andrews @ Unsplash

One word 2023: Light
Shine like the stars!
Photo source by Alexander Andrews @ Unsplash

God never intended for us to hide, but to use our spiritual gifts, talents, and skills to shine like the stars for His glory.

Here are some fun facts about stars (source: Google):

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